Thursday, July 28, 2005

The sides we hide from the world

It is now after counting week 8 of this depression hell and i got thinking, yes i know bad idea me thinking :P

We all have sides of us a lot of people never see for a variety of reasons, my depression if you saw me online in chat or out wandering in the evil real world you would be hard pressed to know i was depressed majprity of the time. This thinking made me realise everyone of us have things we hide from others, our secrets.

Some hide their true feelings behind jokes and humour scared to lower this guard for fear of people rejecting the real person inside, some like myself have darkness lurking within us and we try to hide it or avoid it ourselves as when it catches you up you suddenly go from bright to the depths of hell. Others hide their likes and dislikes as to some they would appear perversions and they supress the real them and diminish due to this and the rest of us all hide something we would rather no one else knew of.

For those of us who do this we do hurt and lose a lot of who we are and it is hard to retrieve this lost part if at all.


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